Pir Mahal is a capital city of Pir Mahal Tehsil in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
Pir Mahal in central Punjab is located at 30 degrees and 46 minutes to the north and 72 degrees and 26 minutes to the east at an altitude of 148 meters.
Punjabi is the main language of this city while there are also some other languages spoken in this city. About 98% of the population speaks Punjabi and rest speak other languages. Urdu is the national language so it is understood and spoken. English is also understood and spoken by the educated people.
Railway Station Pirmahal
The literacy rate is higher than in other parts of Pakistan, the average living standard is better.
Population and Construction:
The population of this city is increasing and also the construction and development is increasing rapidly.
The villages of this city are called as chaks, just like chak number 300 etc. Following are the villages in this city:
Chak 667/8 GB (2.7 km), Chak 668/9 GB (2 km), Chak 685/26 GB, Bagwali (10 km), Chak 319 GB (1.5 km), Chak 320 GB (1.4 km), Chak 342 GB (6.7 km), Chak 671/12 GB (3.2 km), Chak 670/11 GB (6.3 km), Chak 672/13 GB (6.1 km), Chak 680/21 GB (8.3 km), Chak 681/22 GB (9.5 km), Chak 665/6 GB (6.4 km), Chak 666/7 GB (5 km), Chak 663/4 GB (5.8 km), Chak 718 GB (11 km), Chak 674/15 GB (6.7 km), Chak B plot, Chak C plot, Chak 673/14 GB, chak 719 GB.
Iqbal Park in Pirmahal