
Mithi is the capital of  Tharparkar District in the Sindh province of Pakistan. This city was made the capital of Tharparkar District in 1990, when the district was separated from Mirpur Khas to form a new District.


It is located at the Latitude of 24°74’0 North and Longitude of 69°80’0 East with an altitude of 28 meters. It is situated at about 278 kilometers from Karachi and is located in a beautiful desert area.


The population of this city is now over 150,000.

Mithi, Sindh, Pakistan

                                                                                                                                         Mithi City, Tharparkar District


There are several schools and colleges in this city, as it is developed area in Tharparkar so there is a good literacy rate relating to Tharparker here. In April 2014, The Government of Sindh announced that it will establish a University and a Cadet College in Mithi, Tharparkar District


This city has now seen a tremendous development and is considered one of the most developed cities of District Tharparkar. A large number of people from all over the district Tharparkar have now moved to the city resulting in high development rate. It is now considered heart of Tharparkar District with tremendous level of economic and social activity.

Nua Kot Thar Mithi Sindh Pakistan

                                                                                                                                             Nua Kot Thar Mithi Sindh

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